Car Blood Cleanup | Vehicle Blood | Biohazard Cleanup

Car Blood Cleanup | Vehicle Blood | Biohazard Cleanup – What you Should Know

Bio contamination can happen in many ways. Car Blood Cleanup, All vehicle blood cleanup and biohazard cleanup must be done in such a way to protect yourself and your family. We find this occurs more often in vehicles as a result of automobile accidents, shootings, self-inflicted wounds, suicides and deaths. Dealing with a vehicle blood cleanup or other biohazards in a vehicle can be a difficult and dangerous job.  Due to environmental factors, biological decomposition is often accelerated inside a vehicle resulting in a large volume of body fluids being released. Proper recovery of all the fluids and sanitizing the vehicle are key to restoring the vehicle to a safe, usable state.

Car Blood Cleanup

Why you should secure your vehicle to a professional bio hazard cleaning company …

  1. Difficulty reaching every area of the vehicle – Blood Cleanup

A vehicle has many small hidden areas and intricacies, the doors have panels that pull off, the windows go up and down and the space around them, every knob moves and even getting under the seats and on all sides of the seats can be challenging. Blood borne pathogens are invisible to the naked eye but can cause extensive harm to anyone they come in contact with.

  1. Safety – Car Blood Cleanup

We urge you not to clean up any blood spill by yourself or to take your vehicle to an ordinary auto detailing shop. Because these bodily fluids can be harmful to human health it is highly important to secure the vehicle immediately following an auto accident, trauma or death. HAZstat is a registered company trained in the cleanup and removal of biohazard waste. We also specialize in the removal of odors including cigarette smoke, rotting food and decaying odors. Improper clean up can lead to personal health risks and could also endanger the crew detailing your vehicle and anyone who comes in contact with it after the blood has been visually cleaned. Be safe and get a professional to clean up any vehicle that has been exposed to blood or bodily fluids.

  1. Insurance Accepted – Car Blood Cleanup

After a tragic event we know that most families are concerned with the cost to cleanup the vehicle. However, most insurance companies will cover all or almost all of the remediation expense for the unfortunate event. Auto Insurance will most often cover professional blood cleanup services; in order to help assist you in making the right choice after trauma has occurred in a vehicle.

  1. Restoration – Biohazard Cleanup

It’s important that the vehicle is fully restored for the welfare of everyone going forward. This includes blood, bodily fluids, feces, urine and vomit in a vehicle. The infected area should be disinfected, removal of any biological materials and odors in a proficient manner from all types of vehicles such as:

  • Cars
  • Trucks
  • Recreational Vehicles
  • Emergency Vehicles
  • Motorcycles
  • Busses
  • Limousines
  • Taxi’s
  • Boats

If you find yourself in a tragic situation, where you are not sure the best way to safely remove biohazards from your vehicle, contact HASstat. We are here to answer your questions and provide the best professional service.

For immediate assistance call toll free: 1-855-HAZSTAT  |  1-855-429-7828

Direct Line: 407-809-5559
TOLL FREE: 1-855-HAZSTAT (1-855-429-7828)
EMAIL: [email protected]

Service Locations in;

Orlando, Florida | 407-809-5559
Tampa, Florida | 813-803-5500
Jacksonville, Florida | 904-309-9939

[email protected]