Category Archives: Biohazard Cleaning Safety and Compliance

Cleaning Up After a Suicide and What to Expect

When families and loved ones are faced with an untimely death by suicide or an attempted suicide, the challenges ahead seem unimaginable. Many families are left with not only the overwhelming emotional distress, but they may also be left with areas in a home or vehicle that need immediate assistance in cleanup and disposal. HAZstat

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Choosing a Qualified Crime Scene Cleaning Company

There is enough worry after dealing with a traumatic event or the death of a loved one. Choosing a qualified crime scene cleaning company that can clean and remove blood and body fluids should not be one. Do a little research and select a cleanup company that is Florida registered and has all the proper training, equipment, licensing and insurance to be able to

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Employees performing a biohazard cleaning? Why it is not a good idea.

Biohazard Cleaning in the Workplace Why is it important not to have your employees performing a biohazard cleaning containing blood and bodily fluids? Biohazards cause safety risks to the health of humans, the environment, and to animals. Blood-borne pathogens in blood and other bodily fluids spread viruses and bacterial infections including HIV, Hepatitis, MRSA and C-Diff. Several measures

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About Biohazard Cleanup Services for Homes and Businesses

Biohazard Cleanup Services A crime scene cleanup company providing biohazard cleanup services for homes, businesses and vehicles have special training in the cleaning and removal of blood and body fluid like feces urine and vomit. These incidents call for more safety and precautions than a general cleaning company. Top priorities should always be to respond to a home or place of business

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Odor Removal Services

Removing Odors from Home Professional odor removal services means getting rid of an odor from a home or business that is caused by deep urine, feces or other fluids using the proper chemicals and equipment to get the job done right. Are you frustrated and overwhelmed with trying to get rid of a bad odor?

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