Trauma Scene Cleanup Services in Florida
Trauma scene cleanup services may be required where an accident or injury has occurred. These can vary from a small incident to a much more complex situation. These unfortunate events can happen anywhere at any time. A trauma scene requiring a blood cleanup needs to be handled with care from a trained and registered biohazard waste removal transporter.
Biological and chemical contaminants are considered biohazards. Trauma scenes containing the presence of these substances can pose a risk to human health, animals and the environment. These situations call for more safety and protection because of possible blood borne pathogens. A scene where a trauma has occurred should be remediated and restored by a trusted trauma scene cleanup company like HAZstat
HAZstat technicians are experienced in the cleaning of these unexpected incidents. Our caring staff specializes in trauma scene cleanup in a home, in the work place, and in an automobile. Contact us if you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic event or loss and need a cleaning of your residence or property. Your homeowners or property insurance may cover the costs of our services. We are on call 24 hours a day to assist you.
Caring and Discreet
We provide caring and discreet trauma scene cleanup services following:
- Accident
- Accidental Death
- Injury
- Auto Accident
- Industrial Accident
- Fall
For immediate assistance call toll free: 1-855-HAZSTAT
HAZstat will answer all your questions and help you through this process.
We are here for you!
Direct Line: 407-809-5559
TOLL FREE: 1-855-HAZSTAT (1-855-429-7828)
EMAIL: [email protected]
Also visit us at for odor removal caused by pet, smoke, decomposition and bodily fluids.