Blood Cleanup

Blood Cleanup Services in Florida

When a traumatic event occurs there is likely to be blood and bodily fluids left behind. This poses a risk to anyone who comes in contact. Our blood cleanup service includes the remediation of blood, bodily fluids and tissue following a crime, trauma, accident or death.

HAZstat will respond with compassion and understanding to your situation. we are a registered biohazard waste removal company that specializes in home, commercial and auto blood cleanup in Florida.

Blood Cleanup

Blood Cleaning Information

Important Note: Scenes that contain blood and bodily fluids are best handled by professionals properly trained for these incidents. It is highly recommended that you, your friends, family members, or employees do not try to clean up after a blood spill for safety as well as emotional well-being.

HAZstat technicians are specially trained to assist not only the blood cleanup process, but also the overwhelming physical and emotional issues that come after an unexpected trauma or death. We will promptly respond to your location day or night. Furthermore, Once the scene has been evaluated you will be provided with a true estimate based on the scope of work needed to the home or property.

Risks associated with blood borne pathogens

There are many requirements needed before cleaning a scene where blood and bodily fluids are present. The presence of blood borne pathogens left behind can pose a risk to infectious diseases including Hepatitis and HIV. Above all, HAZstat has all the appropriate equipment, credentials and experience in dealing with these circumstances.

Before anyone attempts cleaning a scene containing blood there are several steps that should be taken to avoid possible illness and liability issues. Click here for more information.

Contact HAZstat to safely and legally contain and decontaminate all potential blood borne pathogens from any dwelling. If the costs of a blood cleanup is covered by your insurance policy we will work with your insurance adjuster directly. In addition to,  will assist in all aspects of the claim process, including billing.


For immediate assistance call toll free: 1-855-HAZSTAT

HAZstat will answer all your questions and help you through this process.

We are here for you!

Direct Line: 407-809-5559
TOLL FREE: 1-855-HAZSTAT (1-855-429-7828)
EMAIL: [email protected]

For more information on the Corona Virus (Covid 19) please visit: CDC website.

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