HAZstat assists family with Animal Hoarding Cleanup Services

Animal Hoarding Cleanup Services

Animal hoarding in most cases is hazardous to your health for the animals involved and anyone who comes into contact with the odor and uncleanliness of the situation. Although animal hoarders claim to be helping, they accumulate large numbers of animals to their detriment. The individual is unable to provide even minimal standards of nutrition, sanitation, shelter and veterinary care, with this neglect often resulting in starvation, illness and death. In the event death occurs in the home of an animal hoarder, HAZstat is here 24/7 to provide animal hoarding cleanup services including the removal of animal feces, animal urine, cat and dog feces. Trained professional hoarding cleanup technicians are sensitive and compassionate and perform services with the utmost respect and professionalism for all individuals involved.

Animals suffer greatly when large numbers of pets are kept in a space inadequate for them to thrive and live healthily.  In many animal hoarding cases, pets are found undernourished, literally dying of starvation or thirst. In some animal hoarding cases, deceased animals are found during the cleanup process.  This happens because animal hoarders are unable to account for every single pet at all times.

The feces left by animals in a hoarding situation is hazardous. Special precautions need to be taken into consideration for those who want to help the animal hoarder. Cleaning and disposing of the contaminated materials should be done in a safe way.

Animal hoarding cleanup by HAZstat included cleanup and removal of animal feces, animal urine, bird feces, rat, mouse and other rodent feces. We use unmarked vehicles to ensure your privacy and confidentiality is taken into consideration at all times.

HAZstat Animal Hoarding Cleanup services include;

  • Feces, urine, and vomit contamination cleanup
  • Infestation cleanup
  • Property cleanup
  • Repulsive odor removal

Hoarding is a debilitating behavior and it can be devastating to families, put elders and children at risk, and incur significant cost to communities for cleanup or demolition. We are here for you. We will assist you with your Animal Hoarding Cleanup needs.

For more information on Animal Hoarding, Animal Hoarding Cleanup, Feces Cleanup, Rodent Cleanup, Cat Urine Cleanup, Animal Odor Removal contact us HAZstat at 1-855-429-7828. 

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