Body Decomposition Cleanup/ Unattended Death Cleanup

Comprehensive Unattended Death Cleanup Services In Ocala, FL

HAZstat is a full-service company providing complete unattended death clean up services in Ocala, FL. Our team will not only clean and disinfect your property but also deodorizes the area. We conduct a thorough deceased person clean up to save you from health hazards and restore your property back to its original condition.

We understand that dealing with the trauma of death can be an overwhelming experience. Thus, our team takes care of the well-being of your family during the tragic loss of your loved one. We ensure your safety from various health hazards so that you can get back to your regime as soon as possible.

Importance Of Hiring Professional Unattended Death Cleanup Services In Ocala

When death goes undiscovered for a long duration, it can pose serious health hazards. The body starts decomposing after 1-2 days and releases bodily tissues, bloodstains, pathogens, etc. Anything that gets in direct contact with the deceased person gets further contaminated. This can pose a serious health risk to the occupants of the property. We, at HAZstat, can decontaminate your home in a professional and efficient manner.

Our cleaners not only perform thorough body decomposition cleanup but also provide emotional support to the family members.  We will use effective cleaning solutions and advanced equipment to sanitize your Ocala based property. We are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for you and your family members.

Unattended Death Cleanup Services In Ocala

  • Removal of bloodstains and bodily fluids
  • Deodorizing the property
  • Proper disposal of contaminated furniture, upholstery, clothing, etc.
  • Disposing of biohazard waste according to the legal procedures

Why Choose HAZstat For Unattended Death Cleanup Services In Ocala?

  • Over 2 decades of experience in providing unattended death clean up services
  • Quick response time
  • Access to specialized equipment and cleaning solutions to disinfect the property
  • Licensed and trained cleaning professionals

When you work with HAZstat, you can rest assured that you and your family members will be protected from hazardous conditions. Our cleaning procedures are in strict compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act guidelines. Our clean-up professionals wear protective equipment to prevent exposure to harmful biohazard wastes and airborne pathogens. We have proper knowledge of the state and federal regulations applicable for proper deceased person cleanup in Ocala.

Contact the team at HAZstat for an unattended death clean up services in Ocala, FL. For more details, you can call us at (407) 809 – 5559.

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