Bodily Fluids Clean up

Bodily Fluids Clean up in Florida

Residential – Commercial – Vehicles


Blood, feces, urine and vomit are all considered biological hazards that should be cleaned up by a professional biohazard remediation company. There are many viruses and bacteria found in body waste. Proper licensing and registrations are needed to perform a biohazard cleanup and removal of bodily fluids. Hazstat is a registered biohazard waste transporter with the Florida department of health and follow all regulations set forth by OSHA and state agencies in Florida.


Whether you are a property, apartment or hotel manager, home or business owner, car dealership or repair shop needing the cleaning up of blood or bodily fluids, we can help. We are available 24 hours a day to respond to your location. In many cases insurance will cover the cost of bodily fluids cleanup depending on the circumstances of the death, accident or trauma.

Bodily fluids after a death can cause a large amount of damage to a property. The presence of infectious diseases in bodily fluids can also pose a risk to one’s health. Call a professional biohazard cleanup company like HAZstat that has all the appropriate equipment, licensing and training in dealing with the cleanup of blood and other biological substances.

Cleaning bodily fluids to ensure the removal of infectious diseases is done properly and thoroughly is what we do. Contact HAZstat today .


For immediate assistance call toll free: 1-855-HAZSTAT

HAZstat will answer all your questions and help you through this process.

We are here for you!

Direct Line: 407-809-5559 TOLL FREE: 1-855-HAZSTAT (1-855-429-7828) EMAIL: [email protected]

Also visit us at for odor removal caused by pet, smoke, decomposition and bodily fluids.


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