Carpet Cleaning

Biohazard Carpet Cleaning Services in Florida

A scene requiring a biohazard carpet cleaning needs to be handled by a professional properly trained in blood borne pathogens from a registered biohazard waste removal transporter. HAZstat is specially trained and certified in the cleaning and removal of blood, vomit, feces, urine, pet stains, and cat urine. We can clean your carpets, oriental rugs, tile, wood floors, upholstery, mattresses and more. If a blood spill is too large to clean the carpet area will need to be cut out, properly packaged and disposed of to a Florida registered biohazard facility.

Biohazard Carpet Cleaning

Removing blood from carpeting should be performed by a trusted and professionally qualified company. Most carpet cleaning companies are not trained or licensed in the cleaning and transport of blood and other biological hazards. HAZstat is registered with the Florida Department of Health and can also offer carpet and mattress removal if needed.

HAZstat provides safe and proficient biohazard carpet cleaning in Florida. Completely remediating and removing all traces of infectious materials is crucial. Our biohazard carpet cleaning service removes all forms of bio-hazardous materials like blood, feces and urine. If you are in need of a biohazard carpet cleaning in a vehicle or car please visit our vehicle cleanup page for more information on how HAZstat can assist you. Contact us if you have a question about our services and would like a free estimate today.


For immediate assistance call toll free: 1-855-HAZSTAT

HAZstat will answer all your questions and help you through this process.

We are here for you!

Direct Line: 407-809-5559
TOLL FREE: 1-855-HAZSTAT (1-855-429-7828)
EMAIL: [email protected]

Also visit us at for odor removal caused by pet, smoke, decomposition and bodily fluids.

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